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rise of zionism
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Jerusalem and the Holy Land never ceased to be the focal point of Jewish life. Mentioned in every prayer service and every holiday observance, living in the land and visiting Jerusalem are among the 613 commandments. Numerous exiles and restrictions often made it impossible, and those who came, with hardship, lived modest religious lives, awaiting the Messiah. The general rise of Nationalism in Europe stimulated similar feelings in the Jewish population. The Haskalah movement of Jewish 'enlightenment' contributed as well. Modern Hebrew literature developed, societies were formed, funds were raised, and idealistic pioneering Jews began to return to their homeland. Although some rabbis gave support, it became largely a secular movement, known as Political Zionism from the Hebrew 'Tziyon'. Its proponents sought recognition and support from European governments. World War One brought many changes, and actually solidified the Jewish presence in the Holy Land.
Jerusalem and the Holy Land never ceased to be the focal point of Jewish life. Mentioned in every prayer service and every holiday observance, living in the land and visiting Jerusalem are among the 613 commandments. Numerous exiles and restrictions often made it impossible, and those who came, with hardship, lived modest religious lives, awaiting the Messiah. The general rise of Nationalism in Europe stimulated similar feelings in the Jewish population. The Haskalah movement of Jewish 'enlightenment' contributed as well. Modern Hebrew literature developed, societies were formed, funds were raised, and idealistic pioneering Jews began to return to their homeland. Although some rabbis gave support, it became largely a secular movement, known as Political Zionism from the Hebrew 'Tziyon'. Its proponents sought recognition and support from European governments. World War One brought many changes, and actually solidified the Jewish presence in the Holy Land.
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