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The dreidel is strongly associated with Chanukah. The legend explains that Jews used them when gathering to study Torah, during the period when such study was banned by the Syrian Greeks.  If discovered, they would explain that they were simply playing a gambling game.  Much later, a similar game was popular in Europe, using a 4 sided top.  A proper dreidel ('spinner') - called a Sevivon in Hebrew - is 4 sided, bearing a Hebrew letter on each side. Nun indicates 'no action', Gimmel allows you to 'take the whole pot', Hey means 'take half' and Shin requires you to 'contribute'.  The 4 letters represent a 4 word phrase: 'Nes Gadol Haya Shom', meaning 'A Great Miracle Happened There (Israel)'.  The Israeli version subsitutes Pey - 'Here' - for Shin/ 'There', as the Chanukah story of the Victory and Oil Miracle took place in the Holy Land.   
The dreidel is basically a toy, made from inexpensive materials.  Merchants and artists have taken it to other levels:  adding sound and light, incorporating into existing toy forms, and tying it to other merchandising items.  Artists have produced examples in silver, glass, porcelain and other materials serving as adult objets d'art rather than toys.  The possibilities are endless.  This site, and collection, emphasizes the toy and play aspect of the Dreidel world.
Assorted Dreidels

Assorted Dreidels



The oldest dreidel in this collection, this one was found by metal detector after WWII. We can imagine it being played with by a Jewish child before the Holocaust and wonder if (s)he survived. Made of lead as were most early ones.

Lead and Base Metal

Lead and Base Metal

Early mass-produced dreidels like these were made of metal.



As the song says 'I made it out of clay' and I made this one, using a kit. It is hard and spins okay.



Inexpensive and durable, wood is an ideal material for this toy. Many colors and variations are possible.



More recently, wooden dreidels have appeared with much decoration.

Wood.Shape Variations

Wood.Shape Variations

These examples still preserve four essential sides but begin to take liberties.



More wood variation. It is beginning to be hard to tell on which letter it stops.

Wood.Special Variants

Wood.Special Variants

These are made from special and distinctive woods. The left one is carved from California Redwood. On the right is a dreidel from Holy Land Olive Wood. Below is a hand-carved specimen made from solid hard wood by Marc Glickman.

Wood.Artist Hand Painted

Wood.Artist Hand Painted

Many of the art examples come with bases so they can be displayed upright. These are hand painted with scenes representing Old Jerusalem. The one on the right is by the artist Emanuel.

Novelty.Cartoon Themes

Novelty.Cartoon Themes

Tying into broader merchandise themes, these dreidels are illustrated with popular cartoon images. The left one features Curious George. The right one portrays Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

Sports Dreidels

Sports Dreidels

Decorations on these allude to sports: golf, basketball, and football.



This dreidel uses emojis to express the feeling of each possible dreidel action: Indifference, joy, satisfaction, disappointment.

Very Large.Emanuel

Very Large.Emanuel

The large size affords more space for artwork. but it is a poor spinner. It is 17 cm. tall without the base.



This is my smallest dreidel - one centimeter high. It may have been made for a doll house.

Turkish.Hand Carved_

Turkish.Hand Carved_

Hand-carved in Turkey, this dreidel is attractive. The letters are below the round skirt but it is not easy to tell which letter has dropped.

Torah Finial

Torah Finial

This dreidel looks exotic but is really sad. It is made from the top of a worn Torah handle. If the handles were worn, they should be buried respectfully. The creator used it to cast a silver example for sale. I rescued it but never spin it.



Plastic is the material of choice for inexpensive versatile dreidel production. These are my childhood ones from the 1950s. The left one came from an annual box of treats sold by Bartons Chocolates company.



The colors, sizes, and shapes are endless.

Plastic and Bronze

Plastic and Bronze

These are identical. I can't tell if the bronze inspired the plastic version or vice versa.



Some more shapes, unconventional.



Glass.Low Profile

Glass.Low Profile

This Israeli sevivon is hollow glass, filled with a grape-colored liquid. With very low friction, it spins 'forever'. Through centrifugal force, the liquid spreads to the walls of the dreidel, giving a beautiful effect. Made from Pyrex by Neker Glass Co. Jerusalem and marketed by The Jerusalem Post for its Toy Fund.

Israeli Sevivonim.'Pey'.

Israeli Sevivonim.'Pey'.

These varieties all display the letter Pey instead of Shin, made in and for Israel.

More 'Pey'.

More 'Pey'.

Pey varieties.

PEY Sevivonim.Painted Wood

PEY Sevivonim.Painted Wood

PEY.Wood.Low Design

PEY.Wood.Low Design

This low-bodied design spins unusually well.



More Israeli sevivonim. Decorated metal. The brown one imitates an ancient Bar Kochba coin from the second revolt.

Rubber band Launcher

Rubber band Launcher

A variety of creative approaches to launch/spin the dreidel have appeared. This one uses a rubber band.

Puller Launcher

Puller Launcher

This one launches by inserting the plastic toothed band into a side hole and rapidly pulling it out.

Dreidels.puller.out of pkg

Dreidels.puller.out of pkg



Can be used as a Yoyo, or wound, dropped, and allowed to spin on its point.

Winder Launcher.Spring

Winder Launcher.Spring

Mount the winder, turn it several times, then press the side pin and the dreidel will spin. And - it will bounce on its spring point.

Pump Action

Pump Action

Pumping the handle up and down powers the spin for this dreidel.

'Gun' Launch

'Gun' Launch

This plastic pistol style launcher usually spins flying saucers. In this case it spins the dreidel.

Pop and Spin

Pop and Spin

You don't touch the dreidel, but by pressing down on the plastic dome you cause it to turn over and show a new letter.

String Launcher

String Launcher

Pulling the string quickly spins this dreidel.



The original Gyro toy spins a disc on rails, which clings with magnetic pins and lights up. This version substitutes a dreidel, also with magnetic pins that ride the rails.

Twist Handle Launchers

Twist Handle Launchers

This type of dreidel is launched by twisting a detachable handle to wind it up. Some may hop, others light up and/ or even play a Chanukah tune.

Twist Launcher

Twist Launcher

Another example, large and bulky. When launched it lights up and plays the basic Chanukah song.

Stacking Discs

Stacking Discs

This dreidel consists of 5 separate graduated discs. The winding handle sets each one spinning. The challenge is to set each spinning disc on top of the next larger one below it.

Talking Dreidel

Talking Dreidel

This one spins in the regular way, and plays the dreidel song. When it falls, it tells you what letter is shown and what action you should take! It takes 4 button batteries to work and includes 4 extra ones.

Music and Light Group

Music and Light Group

Music and/or light types come in a variety of styles. dreidel in pac.P1080486 dreidel in pac.P1080486





Each of these dreidels opens and has a hollow body. Typically they are filled with Chanukah candies.

Utility Dreidels

Utility Dreidels

Each of these does something besides spinning. One is a pencil sharpener, another is an eraser. The red and blue ones are crayons.



Take the protective bottom cap off this dreidel and spin it on paper. Its point is a marker that will make circular designs.

Havdalah Set ?

Havdalah Set ?

One is a candle from the Tzefat candle factory. another is porcelain with a swing open top. I put some cloves in it. The glass one contains a purple liquid (grape juice?). Taken together, I call it a Havdalah dreidel set.

Aluminum Art

Aluminum Art

This dreidel is made from anodized aluminum. It is produced by the Agayof Judaica art house in Israel. Now available in many colors. But see what happens when you take it apart.

Dreidel to Menorah

Dreidel to Menorah

When dissembled, the Agayof dreidel pieces can be arranged as a Menorah/Chanukiya. The holes will accept standard Chanukah candles, or the smallest size glass oil containers. The 9th light, the Shamash, uses 2 pieces to be double height and set apart from the basic eight.

Fidget Spinner Dreidel

Fidget Spinner Dreidel

This variety taps in to the popularity of 'Fidget Spinners'. The little hand-held toy was designed to relieve stress on the part of antsy classroom students. The basic models had 3 branches but here have four, to accommodate the 4 dreidel letters.

Fidget Dreidels

Fidget Dreidels

Fidget Dreidel varieties.



These gimmicks have a magnetized spinning point. While spinning, tin discs can be pushed against the point, which will then spin around in circles below the dreidel.

Build Your Own

Build Your Own

These kits supply plastic parts for assembling a dreidel. 'Binyan' is a Jewish company that markets Lego-compatible sets on Jewish themes. This one makes a dreidel. 'Clics' is another building toy with its own style of building pieces. The upper right dreidel is made from miscellaneous Lego pieces.

Do It Yourself

Do It Yourself

This set contains all the pieces, colored and labeled. Included are basic tools for assembling your own wooden dreidel.

Press Out Pieces

Press Out Pieces

Punching out pre-shaped pieces gives you thin wooden supplies for assembling a dreidel.

More Press Out Pieces

More Press Out Pieces

Another press-out kit, with directions illustrating the final result.

Pop- out Kit

Pop- out Kit

This kit makes a dreidel out of cardboard pop-out pieces.

Parts and Paint

Parts and Paint

Here are pieces to assemble and decorate. The kit supplies paint for home decoration.

'Design Your Own' Kit

'Design Your Own' Kit making kit_edited making kit_edited

Dreidel Sets

Dreidel Sets

Several dreidels, with a space theme.

Dreidel Set

Dreidel Set

Six different dreidel types are included in this set.

Dreidel Train

Dreidel Train

This juvenile toy is a wooden train with each car carrying a different small dreidel.

Magic 8

Magic 8

The magic 8 ball is an old toy that looks like a black billiard ball marked '8'. "Ask it a question", turn it over and an answer will appear in the window. In this version, when you turn it over one of the dreidel letters will appear in the window, with instructions on how to play.

Flipover Spinning Toy

Flipover Spinning Toy

This classic top flips over on its handle if spun firmly and correctly. Although it says 'Happy Chanukah, it has no sides, no letters, and could not really serve in a game of dreidel.

Dreidel Inspired Novelties

Dreidel Inspired Novelties

These toys use the dreidel theme, without being actual dreidels. One is a whistle. The other is a container of bubble liquid with a blower handle and a neck cord.



This product is a kind of silly-putty, sold in a round dreidel-inspired container.



Artists turned to Dreidels to make Judaic art specimens. They generally were meant to be displayed, not used as a toy. This one, of heavy clear crystal glass, is described as 24% full lead crystal. Produced by Jonal Crystal Ltd. 7.5 cm. tall.

Silver Plate

Silver Plate

This large decorative dreidel is silver-plated. Not really meant to be played with.

Sterling Silver

Sterling Silver

Four different styles, all fashioned from, and marked, sterling silver.



This design is made of aluminum on clear plastic. It was designed by Adi Sidler.



This example designed by Rozen.

Art.Glass on Base

Art.Glass on Base

An inner dreidel decorated with scenes of Old Jerusalem, inside a clear glass outer, round dreidel. Obtained at Fireworks Gallery in Seattle.

Art.Ceramic Square

Art.Ceramic Square

Ceramic square body with a metal spinner handle. Created by Azoulay of Jerusalem.



A ceramic round dreidel with Old Jerusalem symbols, mounted on a base that includes a pointer to indicate the letter. Created by Eran Gebler

Art.Holy Land Scenes

Art.Holy Land Scenes

Hand painted on composition material. 'Scenes of Israel'. Showing The Hevron structure above Cave of Machpelah, Tower of David, Western Wall, and Tomb of R' Meir Ba'al Hanes in Tiberias.



Hand painted wood. Russian style Matrushka doll with a second one within and a third inside that.

Dreidel Spinning Board

Dreidel Spinning Board

A stiff plastic playing board that allows you to spin while keeping the dreidel in a contained space.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon


Dreidels.new_edited design.spinner design.spinner





Make It Out Of Clay

Make It Out Of Clay

This kit includes a plastic dreidel mold and clay for making the dreidel. Included are 4 colors of paint and a brush.





The colors, sizes, and shapes are endless.

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