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prime minister autographs
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![]() Ben Gurion.letterDated 21 February 1956, this letter is addressed to the secretary of the teachers' union. It acknowledges a donation of 250,000 Israeli Lira to the defense fund. 'With all our desire for peace we must be prepared for war' (which broke out later that year - the Sinai Campaign). Signed as P.M. and Minister of Defense. | ![]() David Ben Gurion. 1886-1973Ben-Gurion was Prime Minister 1948- 54 and again 1955-63. Born in Poland, arrived 1906. Fought in the Jewish Legion, headed the Jewish Agency. As P.M. promoted Aliyah, integration of diverse populations, reclamation of the desert. Identified with the Democratic socialist Workers Party = Mapai. Described as 'the Father of the Nation'. This photo signed, and dated 10 September 1966. | ![]() Moshe Sharett. 1894-1965Sharett was Prime Minister 1954-55. He was born in Russian Ukraine and arrived in 1906. an interpreter in the Ottoman army. Joined Mapai and was a leader in the Jewish Agency. Foreign minister under Ben-Gurion. Elected 1954 when Ben Gurion retired (temporarily). More of a pacifist and sensitive to world opinion. |
![]() Sharett.letter.aDated 31 October 1954. this letter on PM stationery was sent to one Moshe Keren, apparently a good friend. "My depression at reaching an advanced age was eased by avoiding the 'noise' of all the blessings ... I value the quiet wishes of good friends so enjoyed your true words. Yours, Moshe Sharett. | ![]() Sharett.favor noteDated '1 Adar 1 5714' (4 February 1954), this note on P.M. stationery reads 'To Sima Canaan, Much Shalom, From Moshe Sharett' | ![]() Moshe Shertok (Sharett)Sharett was born Moshe Shertok. He was still using that name when working for the Jewish Agency. On 24 July 1942 he sent this message on Agency stationery, apparently welcoming a new hire to the staff, one M Yeshivitz. 'I look forward to much blessing from your participation'. signed M. Shertok. |
![]() Levi Eshkol. 1895-1969Eshkol was Prime Minister 1963 - 1969. He was born Levi Shkolnik in Russian Ukraine and became a Zionist leader in his teens. He arrived in 1914, worked in agriculture, joined the Jewish Legion, helped found the Histadrut and the Haganah. He affiliated with Labor organizations and joined Mapai. Agriculture minister, Finance minister, settlement leader. Elected twice but health declined and he died in office in 1969. | ![]() Eshkol.letterDated 1 Tammuz 5725 (1 July 1965). This letter on PM stationery addressed to one Mordechai Neuman. "Thanks for your letter of 10 Nissan (3 months earlier !). I'm told that your request received appropriate attention and a practical suggestion for addressing the matter has recently been transmitted to you". | ![]() Golda Meir.1898-1978Meir was PM 1969-74. Born Golda Mabovitch in the Russian Ukraine. Came to USA in 1905. She embraced Zionism in high school. Attended Teachers College. Intellectually minded. Married Morris Meyerson. Moved to Palestine 1921. A leader in Histadrut and Jewish Agency. Emissary to Russia, Labor minister, Foreign minister. Member of Mapai. Succeeded Eshkol in 1969. Hand-signed photograph. |
![]() Meir.postcard photo. | ![]() Meir.letterDated 12 August 1971. Addressed to Israeli Chief Rabbi Issar Unterman. "I received with thanks His Honor's letter ... regarding transfer of the 2 Storper children from Canada to israel... and also a copy of the parents' letter to me...I have asked Minister (of Welfare) Chazani to research whatever can be done to solve this painful problem." | ![]() Yizhak Rabin.1922-1995Rabin was PM from 1974-77 and again 1992-1995, until assassinated. 27 year career in the military rising to Chief of General Staff. Ambassador to USA from 1968 to 1973. Appointed PM when Meyer resigned. Resigned himself due to financial scandal. Was Minister of Defense in the 80s. Re-elected in '92. Oslo peace accords. Assassinated in 1995. |
![]() Rabin.letter.a.First TermDated 3 July 1975, this letter on PM stationery was addressed to one Tzipporah Thal. "Honored Mrs. Thal, I received your letter of 29 June 1975. I thank you very much for its content." | ![]() Rabin.letter b.Second TermDated 19 July 1994, this letter on P.M. stationery is addressed to one Dan Porat and family. "Only today, and too late, we were notified about the sudden death of Asya OB"M. Leah and I are with you in your deep mourning. Asya will be engraved in our memory as a wife of eternal youth and it is hard for us to grasp the matter of her death. With you in your deep mourning, May her memory be blessed." | ![]() Menachem Begin.1913-1992.Begin was Prime minister from 1977-1983. He was born in Russian Belarus to a Zionist family. A lawyer by training, he was a follower of Jabotinsky and became a Revisionist Zionist, a leader in Betar. He arrived in 1942. Headed the underground Irgun and later the right wing Herut party. In 1973 he helped form the Likud party and with it he won the election in 1977. Hand-signed photograph. |
![]() Begin.Knesset letterBegin was elected to the 1st Knesset, and spent 8 consecutive terms in 'the Opposition' to the majority government. He disagreed strongly with Ben Gurion policies, including reparations from Germany. This letter dated 12 August 1963 is on 'Member of Knesset' stationery. Addressed to Reuven Yellin, director of the government heath cooperative. "Please accept my deep thanks for the blessing you sent me in the name of Kupat Holim... Please extend thanks to all the members for the lovely gift .." | ![]() Begin.letter.aDated 4 July 1977, this letter on PM stationery is addressed to one Yisrael Gottlieb, mayor of Bnei Beraq. "Dear Friend, I am indebted to you for your letter. Good wishes are very dear to me. Here's hoping we succeed in realize them. My partners and I will act to the best of our ability". | ![]() Yitzhak Shamir.1915 - 2012.Shamir was PM 1983-84 and 1986-92. Born Yitzhak Yezernitsky, in Russian Belarus. He joined Betar and studied law but left to make Aliyah in 1935. He adopted the name 'Shamir', a mythical sharp rock. Joined and led underground Lehi. Joined Herut and became foreign Minister. shared a Unity Government with Shimon Peres; when it broke down he was elected PM with Likud in 1986. encouraged Russian Aliyah, and Ethiopian Aliyah in Operation Solomon. Hand-signed photo. |
![]() Shamir.letterDated 17 October 1983 on PM stationery, this letter is addressed to lawyer Yisrael Ben-Nun. "Dear Friend, I was happy to receive your good greetings. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. With a faithful blessing, Yitzhak Shamir | ![]() Shimon Peres.1923 - 2016Peres was Prime Minister 1984-86 and 1995-96. He was born Szymon Perski in Polish Belarus. He arrived in 1934.Later was a kibbutz founder. Joined Mapai then Labour, then Kadima. Involved in the Ministry of Defense and the Nuclear Arms Program. Filled 9 different ministries. His 1st premiership was as part of the Unity rotation agreement. After Rabin's assassination he was named Prime Minister but was defeated by Netanyahu in 1996. Original signature? | ![]() Peres.signed photo |
![]() Peres.letterDated 3 March 1996 on P.M. stationery, this letter is addressed to 'Dear Children'. "I was excited to read your letter to me of 14 February. Your kind words and blessings give me strength. Due to a heavy schedule, I'm unable to participate in your planting event. I'm sorry. At this time I which you good health, a complete recovery, and a return to your routines, and may we merit living in peace." | ![]() Binyamin Netanyahu.1949 to DateNetanyahu was Prime Minister 1996-99, 2009-21, and again 2022 to date. The 1st PM born in the State of Israel. He was raised in Jerusalem and in Pennsylvania USA. Served in IDF special forces & also earned a Masters at MIT. Joined the Likud party. As finance minister he was credited with re-invigorating Israel's economy. Several criminal investigations have been opened against him for financial and influence irregularities. He is currently in his 6th term as Prime Minister. | ![]() Netanyahu.letter.aWritten on 23 December 1997 in Hebrew, on official stationery, to Evelyn and Avi Wollman. "Dear Evelyn and Avi Shalom, On your 50th wedding anniversary, also the 50th anniversary of the State, I wish you health and long life. From your daughter's letter I see that you raised a wonderful family. I wish your grandson, Bar-Mitzvah boy, much happiness and to his parents much satisfaction. May he grow up in a time of peace and security." |
![]() Netanyahu.letter.bThis letter dated 23 December 1997 and written in English on official stationery, was sent to Senator D.P. Moynihan. "Dear Pat, I expect to be in Washington ... and would very much like to meet with you... It has been too long... One of the highlights of the past year has been your support and understanding, which I will always cherish...". | ![]() Netanyahu.letter.cWritten on 23 July 2017 on gold-embossed official stationery in Hebrew. Addressed to one David Schwartz. "Recently I was notified that you made Aliyah from Romania... You are realizing the age-old dream to live as a free Jew in our ancient will change your life...I am confident that many more will...take part in the wonderful Jewish renewal after 2000 years of exile...May there be many more like you...". | ![]() Ehud Barak.1942 to dateBarak served as Prime Minister 1999-2001. He was born Ehud Brog, on a kibbutz. He served in the IDF for 35 years, rising to the position of Chief of the General Staff and the rank of Rav Aluf. Most decorated soldier in IDF history. Minister of Defense and of Foreign affairs. He resigned in 2001, calling for a special election, in which he was defeated by Sharon. |
![]() Barak.letterUndated but on Prime Minister/Minister of defense stationery, (so between July 1999 and March 2001). Addressed to the children of Hakav Ham'uhad, an agency supporting children with cancer and other rare diseases. "I bless you all at this Chanukah and wish you complete recovery, health, improvement in all that you deal with... Chanukah is the holiday of Lights and also of Bravery and I consider you true heroes worth of praise for your perseverance. Bless you!" | ![]() Ariel Sharon.1928-2014Sharon, born Ariel Scheinermann, served as Prime Minister from 2001 until 2006 when he suffered a stroke that left him in a vegetative condition until his death. In the military before and after 1948, he is remembered as aggressive, disobedient, and brilliant. A founder of Likud. Famous for successes in the 6 Day War, implication in the Sabra & Shatila massacre and for the unilateral withdrawal from Gaza. | ![]() Sharon.letterDated 12 March 2001 on Prime Minster stationery, this letter is addressed to the chairman of the Kav Hame'uhad Agency, Yisrael Shai. "I am grateful for the warm birthday wishes and support and encouragement that you have given me. We are in one of the decisive moments in the life of the Jewish nation in its struggle for existence in the Land of Israel, and these words strengthen us to continue the struggle for the security and peace of the Jewish people." |
![]() Ehud Olmert.1945 to dateOlmert served as Prime Minister 2006-09. Affiliated with Herut, member of 8 consecutive Knessets. Mayor of Jerusalem 1993-2003. Became Acting Prime Minister after Sharon's stroke. Elected chairman of Kadima party and became P.M. in new elections. resigned in 2009 in the face of allegations of corruption. | ![]() Olmert.ACTING PMDated 4 March 2003, this letterhead reads ACTING Prime Minister (and Minister of Industry and Commerce). Addressed to one Tzachi Noga. "I received your letter and thank you for the blessings and greetings. The new government faces fateful decisions in political, social, and economic areas...I'm entering my position with a true sense of national agency and responsibility and promise to do all in my power to bring about good, calm, and stable days. " | ![]() Olmert.letterDated 31 July 2007, this letter is written on PM stationery to Chayim Miller, chairman of the Movement for Jerusalem and its Citizens. "I received your letter ... Who knows better than you how the city is close to my heart, how I know its needs, how much I'm involved in solving its difficulties and how much I have acted and act daily for its development ... In appreciation for your efforts on behalf of Jerusalem and its inhabitants...". |
![]() Beigin.campaign card.signed | ![]() PM.extra.Eshkol.autograph 001 (2) | ![]() PM.extra.Netanyahu.1991 001 |
![]() PM.extra.Netanyahu.personal.2000 001 | ![]() PM.extra.Netanyahu.signed photo 001 (2) | ![]() PM.extra.Peres_edited |
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