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Contemporary Issues
Israel remains technically at war with Syria and Lebanon, and feels increasingly threatened by Iran. The 'Peace Process' with the Palestinian Authority has stalled numerous times. They continue their activism towards a Palestinian State while condoning terror, which takes new forms of expression. The Jewish settlements in the West Bank are seen by much of the world as an impediment to peace. Prisoners or their remains are held by both sides. Refugee camps teem with Arabs who arouse sympathy and serve as a bargaining chip. Jewish communities in the territories lead to friction between Israelis and Palestinians, resulting in vandalism and terror. The Old City of Jerusalem is a prize neither side wants to concede. Left and Right leaning parties in Israel have very different views about posture and policy vis-a-vis the Palestinians.
Despite these issues, life continues, with a full range of economic, social, educational, cultural and scientific activities.
![]() Terror.The 3 Boys | ![]() Gush Emunim 'Settlers'After the 6 Day War, and especially after the Yom Kippur War, there was feeling among religious Zionists that Jews should settle the West Bank area, which they called by the ancient names of Judea and Samaria. Initially they were students of R' Tzvi Yehudah Kook. Their motives were religious and idealistic, some say even messianic. They opened the way for what became the Settlement movement. | ![]() R' Meir Kahane in the KnessetMeir Kahane was a Brooklyn born rabbi from a family who admired Ze'ev Jabotinsky. He believed in aggressive action to defend Jews in America and Russia, popularizing the slogan 'Never Again'. After emigrating to Israel in 1971, he advocated for the primacy of Jews in Israel, inducing Arabs to leave the country. With rising popularity, he was elected to the Knesset, until a law was passed declaring his party racist and ineligible. He was assassinated in Manhattan in 1990. |
![]() R' Kahane's party - KachKahane founded the party 'Kach' upon settling in Israel. In 1984 they received enough votes to claim one seat in the Knesset. Kahane's proposed legislation to strengthen Judaism in schools, transfer Arabs, ban intermarriage with gentiles, etc. was generally ignored by his fellow Knesset members. Seeing his party on the rise, the Knesset passed a law in 1988 barring 'racist' parties from running. Some of his followers were linked to terrorists acts against Arabs. | ![]() Medinat Yehudah stampsKahane issued 3 symbolic 'stamps' with the country name 'Judea'. This was the Biblical name for the traditional part of ancient Israel, and a rejected name for the modern state. They picture 3 places in Israel - actually all in the West Bank - about which the Rabbis wrote: "Three places the nations of the world can not say 'You have taken them': The Temple Mount, The Cave of Machpela, & Joseph's tomb." That is because their purchase is recorded in the Bible. | ![]() West Bank Map.VulnerabilityEven those who don't support settlement activity in the West Bank have security concerns. This poster-mail illustrates how close the West Bank borders are to Israel's major population centers. The graphic representation of mobile Katyusha rocket launchers emphasizes how vulnerable Israel would be to unrestrained aggression from the territories. |
![]() West Bank distances to | ![]() west bank to cities.back | ![]() Likud cardThis campaign card from the right-wing Likud party lists the short distances between the West Bank border and major cities in Israel proper. One side spoofs the new Palestine government. It states: 'Valid from 13 September 1993' which was the date on which Oslo Accord I was signed. |
![]() Religious objection from RebbeThis card is from the Messianic group in the Lubavitch Hassidic movement. It quotes speeches in which the Rebbe, R' M.M. Schneerson objected to the Oslo accords on religious grounds, referring to Biblical injunctions against turning Holy land over to non-Jews. The Rebbe also mentioned concerns for safety and security. | ![]() Gush KatifCalls for Israel to withdraw from territories it occupied in 1967 don't take into account what would happen next. Israel unilaterally withdrew from the Gaza strip in 2005, in an agonizing operation that removed 8,600 Israelis and abandoned 17 settlements, called Gush Katif. All public and commercial buildings were left intact. Palestinians dismantled what they found and burned the synagogue buildings. This Passover Haggadah shows scenes from the thriving communities before 2005. | ![]() Gush Katif.wristbandsSome Gaza residents resisted the withdrawal from their homes passively and had to be physically removed, in an emotional and painful exercise. Many wore orange stars or shirts or wristbands as the color of resistance. The Hebrew band here states: "Jews do not exile other Jews". But they did, to give Palestinians an opportunity for self-rule. |
![]() SderotSderot is a city in the Western Negev, with a population of 24,000. It is located less than a mile from Gaza, and is a major target of Qassam rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip. Between 2001 and 2008, rocket attacks on the city killed 13 people, wounded dozens, caused millions of dollars in damage and profoundly disrupted daily life. The recurring attacks from Gaza have turned Sderot into the "Bomb Shelter Capital of the World." This auto air freshener reads "Sderot is in my heart". | ![]() HamasHamas is a political party whose name stands for 'Islamic Resistance Movement'. They have ruled Gaza since 2007 & rejected all treaties & ties with Israel. Their original charter blames Jews for every war & evil in history and promotes armed resistance & suicide attacks. Their recurring barrage of rockets has led to 2 major conflicts, in 2008 & 2014. More recently some have acknowledged pre-1967 borders as the basis for a Palestinian state. The button reads in Spanish 'No More Hamas'. | ![]() Joseph's tombA funeral monument near Nablus/Shechem known as Joseph's Tomb has been venerated by Jews and Moslems for centuries. While its antiquity is debated, it serves as a symbol of the struggle for authority in this region. Jews began to visit again after 1967 and a Yeshiva was established here. After Oslo the area was handed over to the Palestinians. There has been constant vandalism, strife & loss of life ever since. This postcard is from the early 20th century. The areas is all built up now. |
![]() Kiryat Arba, HevronAnother area that Israelis & Palestinians are supposed to share is Hevron. Inhabited by Abraham and ruled by King David, it had been an Arab city once Jews were removed in 1929. It is now divided into a large Arab area 'H1' and a small Israeli area labeled 'H2' which covers the evacuated neighborhood of 1929. Right outside is a new town with the old name of 'Qiryat Arba', from where this envelope was mailed. The populations are kept separate, due to recurring terror attacks. | ![]() Israeli Prisoners of WarIsrael takes great pains to bring prisoners of war, or their bodies, home to families. There have been numerous lop-sided exchanges over the years, to get back even one soldier. Knowing how important it is to Israel, Arab militants use the prisoners as bargaining chips in negotiations. | ![]() MIAs and POWsThis flyer was issued on Israel's 61 Independence Day (2009) to raise awareness and activism for 6 MIAs. Katz Feldman and Arad disappeared in the Lebanon conflicts of the 80s. Halabi was a Druze soldier whose body was found after the fire on Mt Carmel. Hever apparently went AWOL in 1997 on the Golan Heights and has not been seen since. And Gilad Shalit. |
![]() POW / MIA PrayerNCSY, the youth movement of the Orthodox Union, issued this bookmark to be used in Siddurim in order to 'Remember our captive brothers in your prayers'. In a familiar text recited at Torah readings, the prayer on the reverse asks that "[G-d] bring them speedily to freedom and return them to their families for a long and healthy life". Ehud Goldwasser is among the pictured. | ![]() Ehud GoldwasserGoldwasser, and Regev, were abducted in a Hezbollah raid that started the second Lebanon war in 2006. In 2008 their remains were exchanged for 5 living fighters and the remains of 199 others. The Goldwasser family responded to student letters of condolence with this pre-printed postcard, which pictures 3 MIAs. The family wrote: "To the students of Yeshiva Ohr Torah, with appreciation for your condolences. The Goldwasser Family" | ![]() Shalit Prisoner ExchangeGilad Shalit was captured in 2006 by Hamas militants who crossed into Israel from Gaza via underground tunnels. He was held, alive and incommunicado, for 5 years. Egypt, Turkey and Germany were instrumental in his release, in exchange for 1027 Palestinian and Hamas prisoners. They in turn had been responsible for 569 Israeli deaths. This exchange was hotly debated in Israel, as crossing a red line. The button is from a demonstration for his release. |
![]() Terror.'The 3 Boys'Eyal Yifrach, GilAd Shaer, & Naftali Frenkel, were Yeshiva students in Hevron & Kfar Etzyon. On 12 June 2014 they were kidnapped at a bus stop in Gush Etzyon while hitchhiking home. Israel launched Operation Brother's Keeper in attempt to find them, but found their bodies on June 30th, probably killed right after abduction. It was a tense time with rocket attacks & other skirmishes, & the perpetrators were linked to Hamas members operating in the West Bank. This car magnet expressed hope. | ![]() Gaza wars.Protective Edge.2014The Palestinian reaction to Israel's campaign to find the 3 boys was to increase rocket barrages from Gaza. In July Israel launched Operation Protective Edge - Tzuk Eitan - in the Gaza strip. In the bombardment from air and land, over 2,000 died, mostly Arabs. IDF reported that 4,564 rockets and mortars had been fired into Israel. It lasted 7 weeks. This pamphlet of encouragement and prayer was distributed by the military rabbinate to soldiers at the front. | ![]() Iron DomeIn response to the recurring firing of rockets from Gaza, Israel developed the Iron Dome mobile air defense system. It is designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells fired from distances of 4 kilometers to 70 kilometers away which threaten populated areas. Put in place in March 2011, it was used successfully a week later, and hundreds of times since. This medal was issued to honor the system. |
![]() Rewarding TerroristsFrom its annual budget, the Palestinian Authority pays terrorists and their families about $350 million each year. Those in jail for a few years get $580/month and those sentenced to 20 years (murderers) get $3000/month. For 'lifers' it runs in the millions. The US Taylor Force Act prohibits aid to the PA while it pays terrorists, from its 'Martyrs Fund'. This letter lobbied to pass that law, which President Trump signed in 2017. | ![]() Support Terrorists & their Families"To the Welfare of Families of Martyrs and Freedom Fighters of Palestine" is the inscription on these stamps from Syria and Iraq. They encourage support from the Arab world for terrorists and their families. | ![]() Refugee camp.Gaza.1967In the 1948 War, around 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes, to the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria & Jordan. About 20,000 are still alive, along with over a million descendants, all considered Refugees by the UN. They claim a 'Right of Return' to Israel proper, which would overwhelm the existing Jewish population and change the character of the State. Only Jordan has offered them citizenship and they remain the world's oldest unsettled population. |
![]() UNRWA.EnvelopeIn December 1949 the UN established the Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. It says it provides education, health, relief, & social services to the original refugees and their FOUR MILLION descendants. No effort is made to relocate these refugees. 30,000 Palestinians are employed by the agency. Some have criticized its management and impartiality. This official envelope was mailed from Lebanon in 1981. | ![]() Zionism = RacismThe United Nations created Israel from part of Palestine. Over the years it has become increasingly critical as Israel's successes in self-defense against relentless foes have been cast as aggression. From 1975 - 91 they officially declared Zionism = Racism. They pass resolutions yearly condemning Israel's defense against terrorists, as this armband declares. | ![]() Boycott, Divestment, SanctionsUnsuccessful on the battlefield, Palestinians have turned to international opinion to promote their cause. The BDS movement seeks to de-legitimize Israel globally by discouraging countries and businesses from commerce and investment with her. A few countries and organizations support it. This check from 1979 from Kuwait is stamped "Valid in all countries of the world excluding Israel". |
![]() Distant Threats. IraqIn August 1990, Iraq invaded neighboring Kuwait over issues of finance and oil rights. A coalition force from 34 countries opposed her. Iraq fired Scud missiles at Israel hoping to draw her into the war. Fearing nerve gas, Israel issued gas masks. 74 Israelis died and hundreds of building were damaged. Today almost every Israeli has access to a bomb shelter or reinforced room. This letter is an appeal for donations. | ![]() Gulf War.Mail suspendedThis envelope was mailed from Germany to Israel in January of 1991. It is stamped "Return - Airmail service discontinued temporarily" because of the Gulf War conflict. | ![]() IsisThe Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a militant terrorist group emerged in 2006 and soon took control of large areas in the Middle East. Their goal was to create a 'Caliphate', a religious and political Moslem state. They engaged in the civil war in Syria and employed shocking brutality. A US led coalition of forces gradually defeated them, relying heavily on airstrikes. |
![]() Distant Threats. IranAlthough Iran is even further away from Israel, it continues to threaten to destroy her. 'Death to Israel' is a frequent epithet. As Iran now uses bases in Syria, the threat is very real. The US and Israel have called for strong measures to stop Iranian development of nuclear weapons. This patch shows an Israeli jet dropping bombs on the map of Iran, reflecting the opinion of some that Israel should strike preemptively against this threat. | ![]() Jerusalem Capital of PalestinePalestinians claim the Old City of Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. They refer to it as 'the occupied city of al-Quds (the Arabic name meaning 'the Holy')'. This specimen coin struck for the PA in 2014 pictures the Dome of the Rock and the PA symbol. Israel, barred from visiting the Old City from 1948 - 1967, is not likely to give up its control. It might offer some Arab neighborhoods as a token Arab capital. | ![]() Temple Mount.WaqfArafat was quoted numerous times stating 'There never was a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem'. This despite ample Islamic tradition that the Temple mount was called 'Bayt al-Maqdas' (Beit Hamikdash). This guide to the so-called 'Noble Sanctuary' (Haram al-Sharif) was published by the Supreme Moslem Council in 1935. |
![]() Waqf booklet.'Beyond dispute'Page three of the booklet states "The site is one of the oldest in the world... Its identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute...This too is the spot on which David built an alter unto the Lord...". Today it is supervised by the Waqf - an Islamic Charitable trust - while the site is under Israeli control. | ![]() Jerusalem UnitedWhile few Jews ascend to the top of the Temple Mount, there is constant visiting, prayer, and celebration at the Western Wall below. It is a focal point for residents and visitors from around the world. As this pin from the Religious Zionists of America expresses, Jews would not willingly give up their access to this place. | ![]() Jerusalem Capital of israelIsrael extended municipal control to East Jerusalem after the 6 Day War, and officially annexed it in 1980, as the 'Undivided Capital of Israel'. Many countries & the UN were unhappy with Jewish control over Moslem and Christian holy places and condemned it. On 15 May 2018, Israel 70th anniversary, the United State officially moved its embassy to Jerusalem, amid controversy. The buttons express Jewish sentiment. |
![]() Gulf war.Safe Pass | ![]() United States Jerusalem EmbassyOn 14 May 2018, 70 years to the day from the establishment of the State of Israel, the US inaugurated its embassy in Jerusalem. This was the fulfillment of an act of congress in 1995, which had been postponed by every subsequent administration. The building is in West Jerusalem, although in an area that Palestinians would certainly claim as their own. This medallion was issued for the event, struck in brass with enameled decorations. To the Palestinians it is proof of US bias. | ![]() Every Jew a Zionist?This could easily be a Palestinian sticker, trying to differentiate between Jews and Zionists and claiming to not be anti-Semitic. But it most likely is from a religious right-wing Jewish community who sees Zionism as secular, arrogant, and defying Jewish tradition. After all, the expectation had always been that the Messiah would come and bring Jews back to a glorious End-of Days in accordance with the Torah. They see today's Israel as very far from that. |
![]() 70.anti-zionism.flyerSuch Jews sometimes find common cause with Palestinians! This flyer circulated in the wake of an accident that killed 20 IDF soldiers. "It's the Hand of G-d! that caused these deaths... Stop sending sons to be killed on the Altar of Zionism. Can their leaders say 'Our hands did not spill this blood'." These Jews would prefer that foreign powers rule Israel until the Messiah comes to Redeem us. | ![]() Neturei Karta magazineThe Jewish Guardian was an English-language anti-Zionist periodical that appeared during the 70s and 80s. It reflects the thinking of Neturei Karta in Israel. This issue opposes the drafting of young women into the army, in any capacity. Other articles deal with elections, movie-going, and WWII. A significant number of Torah-observant Jews share these feelings. They sometimes also end up giving comfort to Israel's enemies. | ![]() U.S. Supports IsraelU.S. has supported Israel since 1948. Some presidents were closer and some more distant to Israel's leaders. President Trump showed great encouragement, especially in 2 policy decisions: Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, much to the Palestinians dismay, and withdrawing from the treaty with Iran, which was seen as leading to nuclear threats against Israel. |
![]() Stand With UsAnti-Israel (and anti-semitic) sentiment increased in the 2000s. Stand with Us is an international, non-profit organization founded to educate people regarding Israel and to combat disinformation and anti-Israel activity. They are active in schools, on college campuses, and in various media. This mailing enlists support for their efforts. | ![]() 33b.Gulf conduct.1 | ![]() 33.current.Gulf war.pass.2 |
![]() 30.gulf war.1a |
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